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expensive nap

A movie or play that is so boring you sleep through it. It usually costs a decent sum of money.

Man 1: "Hey Tom, how was Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 last night?"

Man 2: "Real forgettable bro, it was a total expensive nap."

by Ganzi November 15, 2013

1160πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

The chair

The chair where clothes clean enough to wear tomorrow but too dirty to go back in the wardrobe go.

"I wore this top today and its a bit creased but I can just wear it tomorrow so I'll put it on the chair so I don't have to bother getting it out of the wardrobe."

by Ceejay44 August 25, 2017

2224πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž


A boy from late teens to early twenties with the slim structure of a twink. The primary difference is that they work out a bit and have slim muscle. Alex Henley from skins is a prime example.

Person 1: "Wow, what a twunk!"

Person 2: "Yeah, look at those pecs!"

by bobfilascio June 1, 2019

1240πŸ‘ 349πŸ‘Ž

perp walk

Practice of displaying an arrested person to the press and public while delivering the person to the courtroom, etc.

Giuliani arrested stockbrokers and took them on a "perp walk" when he could have arrange for them to surrender quietly.

by octopod November 20, 2003

701πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

Superhero Fatigue

Superhero Fatigue is less about quantity and more about the kind of story being told vs. what audiences want to see. The problem is not that we have a handful of new superhero movies every year, but that they feel very similar to each other, and not in a good way. If the undeniable success of movies like Wonder Woman tell us anything is that audiences are starving for stories that break the usual pattern of superhero films.

Three patterns in particular that can be causing superhero fatigue are as follows: 1) Tone - sometimes you need the bleakness to make your point, as with dystopian novels. 2) Story - Superhero movies are often repetitive in the basic narrative structure they choose, giving us the feeling that we’ve seen that story before. 3) Characters - This is probably the core of superhero fatigue, since you can’t have a great range of stories when they’re always about the same people. Different identities bring in different perspectives and different ways to interact with the world.

β€œI'm hoping we'll start getting 'Superhero Fatigue here pretty soon,” Gamer On! said. β€œNot that I don't love the movies. It's just, come on guys, there are other stories to tell besides hyper-gonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process. It's like, oyster!”.

by Outis McGuffin April 28, 2018

572πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž

Coke Hold

A conversation with a person who has done a lot of coke that you can't get away from. People on coke tend to be really chatty and oblivious. (person caught in coke hold can be sober or not)

After doing her third rail in five minutes, Susan turned to me and just started rambling about life's deeper meanings. I wanted to get away but she wouldn't shut up long enough for me to excuse myself. I was caught in a coke hold.

by pete ritch August 27, 2007

1089πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž

Hanlon's Razor

Hanlon's Razor is a saying commonly summarized as "Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice". Named for "Robert Hanlon"--probably a corruption of the author Robert Heinlein. There are many variations, but the general idea is that same. Also known in British English as the "Cock-Up Theory".

Person 1: Dude, my stimulus check was $600 less than it should be. The government is trying to screw me!
Person 2: Hanlon's Razor, man. They probably had faulty information for you.

by YoungLibertarian August 7, 2008

719πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž