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Have a fucking December

An all inclusive saying that acknowledges all traditions in December (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, non celebrating etc.).

Merry Christmas!”

“I don’t celebrate Christmas, but thank you and have a fucking December.”

by thatdudewiththehair56 December 21, 2022

2208👍 418👎


To be sleighed is to be immeasurably drunk on Christmas Eve, so much so that you are either still drunk Christmas Day or are massively hung over. The same as "wasted" or "shit-faced" but used specifically on the Christmas Holiday. This term can also be used post-Christmas if one is wasted Christmas Day and continues into Boxing Day.

This is often seen in "mall Santas" after they finish thier final day on the 24th.

Guy 1: "Whoa, did you see that mall santa tossing his guts under that tree?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, he's totally sleighed!"

Example 2

Santa: Whooaaa there Rudolph, I said leeeeft.... hold up I gotta ho ho ho hurl! *blargh*

Rudolph: Good graces Santa! Your F*cking Sleighed!

by Yawrood December 24, 2009

923👍 133👎

great indoorsman

Noun, slang.

1. A person, most commonly a millennial, who is a gamer, whose great life experiences are almost exclusively indoors, and often defined primarily in terms of virtual explorations, such as those in the video games Super Smash Bros. and Monster Hunter. A "great indoorsman" could simultaneously be one of two Smash Bros.

2). A person, most commonly of the nerd varietal, who could go outside, but chooses to spend 99.99% of his or her time inside, often stewing in a pile of his or her own filthy and odorous laundry.

Friend: Are Logan and Jeremy going to the bonfire tonight?
Other friend: No, those great indoorsman are going to hang out in their room to game like fiends until their thumbs bleed.

by Definerator November 19, 2016

791👍 130👎

Ingredient House

Noun: A home that has no ready-to-eat foods or snacks, only the ingredients to make food.

I'm going over to Jenna's house, I better eat something beforehand because she lives in an Ingredient House.

by PurplJep December 23, 2021

1614👍 191👎


The definitive thing to say when you don't want to hear somebody speak anymore. Usually accompanied by a clasping of the hands over the ears in a mature and composed fashion to signify that you are done with the conversation. Short intakes of air inbetween scores of "lalala" should be expected and has been scientifically proven to increase dramatic effect and frustrate the antagonizing speaker to habitual silence.

Person 1 "Rent was due a week ago, you spent the money on Motley Crue reunion tickets, and why is there glitter everywhere? Tou seriously need to grow up. And another thing-"

Person 2 "Lalala"

Person 1 "What are you doing? I mean it, you can't use your money on drinking and leopard tights, it's-"

Person 2 "Lalala"

Person 1 "..."

Person 2 "..."

by AllieAllieAllie June 10, 2009

1020👍 159👎

Bro Bono

The act of providing free services to friends. Originated from the legal term "pro bono" meaning "for the public good" or "free".

Friend #1: "Hey man, I need a logo designed for my new company but I dont have a lot of money"

Friend #2: "no problem man, your my best friend, I'll do it Bro Bono"

by JayBee123wesrgdfh April 15, 2010

1383👍 132👎


A person with multiple millions or usully billions of dollars of wealth who are dubious of character and morals. They spend their time cultivating a positive public image, or lean into their evilness because they are above the law and probably own several politicians or groups that write or change laws in their favor. They enjoy being called elite, and having absurd passion projects that benifit no one but themselves and their businesses.

Did you know that villionaire Jeff Bezos purposefully had his rockets changed to look more phallic before he shot himself into space, just because he could.

by Anonymous Gamer X January 24, 2022

1162👍 129👎