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Rolling coal

A large diesel truck equipped to blow large clouds of black smoke to signal a desire for deep anal fisting

I had no idea tom was into fisting until I saw him rolling coal

by Datsu smallcoch June 29, 2015

1842๐Ÿ‘ 906๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chilling without any clothes on. Being able to live freely wihout clothes and the pressure of others to put some on. Having the confidence and deisre to show off your body no matter its shape or size. Living life the the fullest.

"I want to run nakey through the streets."

"Was she nakey?"

by kaysheffy January 31, 2012

1644๐Ÿ‘ 364๐Ÿ‘Ž

lawyer's lawyer

When the crimes you commit are so bad that your lawyer needs to get a lawyer.

"My lawyer's lawyer said he can get my lawyer off so my lawyer should be in court for me."

"Your lawyer's lawyer? What the hell did you do?"

"Pissed on some Russian prostitutes, a little nepotism, raw dogged a porn star and lied about it, I am slumlord, used my political connections to profit personally, signed off on people using tax dollars to fund their personal trips, wrote down shit on some pieces of paper and forced others to live by it , tried to sue people who called me names after I verbally attacked them, I haven't paid taxes in 10 years, fired some asshole who kept trying to investigate me and my friends, grabbed a few random women by their pussies - hey they like it - , watched some teenage girls get undressed, sure as fuck am not renting my houses to black people, sold some fake diplomas to a few dumbasses, hired some undocumented pollocks in the 80's, rigged some gambling machines in my casinos, some jackasses claim I didn't pay them, a few fraudualant realestate deals, bought my own books with campaign dollars and kept the royalties, smuggles some models into the country so I could bang them - even married one of them, set up some tax dodging foundations, remember that Cuba embargo I bitch about that last jackass lifting - I totally violated it in the 90's, and I conspired with a government known to be an enemy of our country to influence federal elections. Nothing too bad, I don't know what they are bitching about."

by Nutzen YerMouf April 12, 2018

1948๐Ÿ‘ 426๐Ÿ‘Ž

late-stage capitalism

We have reached late-stage capitalism. This is the era where businesses, investors and even the layperson will try everything they possibly can to capitalize on literally anything and every situation. The increasingly diverse stock industry and the booming crypto mining industry can be seen as one of the many aspects of late-stage capitalism. There is no single way to define late-stage capitalism, as the effects are most often seen on a micro scale and the scope is very broad as a result of the plethora of industries.

Some of the various examples of late-stage capitalism could include, but are not limited to: profiting off of your attractive physique, selling your personal data, selling your poop, dropshipping, house flipping, game companies making every single game pay-to-win, news corporations putting paywalls on their news sites, smartphone companies removing the headphone jack to save money, paying people to say positive affirmations, etc etc.

Essentially, it is capitalism but 10x more savage.

Thanks to the diverse range of markets, Jane was able to profit immensely from selling her bathwater, her used underwear, her poop, her sweat, her private browsing data, how many miles she walked, her emotions, her voice, and even her hair. Likewise, capitalists continue to venture into turning the most ordinary things into profitable commodities, while companies have lowered their standards to cut corners in every way possible to save money. This is late-stage capitalism in a nutshell.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 4, 2021

1539๐Ÿ‘ 6154๐Ÿ‘Ž

It's all gravy

Gravy is a sauce made from the juices of meat or vegetables and enhances the flavour of a meal. In poorer times, to have gravy on your meal is a sign that you have sufficient meat and vegetables to make such a nice meal. Hence the phrase "on the gravy train" meaning that ones life was well supplied with good things, usually money.

"It's all gravy" therefore means that there is an abundance of good things in the given circumstance.

It should not be taken to mean that there is no problem or that a situation is liked, specifically. Those things may follow but are not necessarily connected.

A: We just secured a lucrative contract with the supplier with an open ended term.
B: It's all gravy from here on, boys.

by arseburgers March 12, 2013

992๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who focuses on preparedness, generally for various worst-case scenarios like peak oil or armageddon. Sometimes used to avoid the more loaded term survivalist.

Some preppers focus on guns, others on sustainable agriculture.

by NYVillager March 29, 2008

1076๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game that features elements similar to the game Dark Souls.
e.g. skill based, steep difficulty, focus on bosses, punishing deaths, rich enviroment.

Some soulslikes are Titan Souls or Necropolis

by ChineseHacker September 24, 2016

814๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž