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Simply being ready/in the mood to just senselessly hate on someone/something .

Up-To-Hate is a unique combination of words similar to Up-To-Date, but instead of the meaning being well informed about an event, topic or person it means that you are ready to hate on someone or something in order to keep them in place, cope with something or just because you feel like being an asshole towards others.

Person 1: Are you ready to hate on some of Tim’s posts?

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: he’s been acting like he’s better than us after he got that A+ on the last Chemistry test, so I’m feeling pretty Up-To-Hate for him.

Person 2: True, well I guess a little mocking will bring our Tim back.

by Kienlolz April 28, 2022

965πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


A scandal involving Elon Musk

"Have you heard about the Elongate?"
"No, what's it about?"

by xX_children_eater_69_Xx April 2, 2021

1536πŸ‘ 671πŸ‘Ž

On my way

When a "friend" refers to a period in time where they are THINKING about leaving but could actually arrive in anywhere from 1 to 6 hours (usually later than sooner).

Garret: Don't worry man, on my way !

*3 hours later*

Garret arrives

by FactorySP May 27, 2017

2045πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž


Fictosexuality is the sexual attraction towards fictional characters.

Guy: hey, do you know Wendy?
Girl: isn't she fictosexual?
Guy: yeah, she has a crush on that guy L from death note

by LaW January 1, 2014

2259πŸ‘ 925πŸ‘Ž


repackaging the same shit and selling it off as something new

Example 1

John: hey dude, WoW 3.3 just came out, there's new stuff
Dave: fuck that, its just blizzard sameshitting again

by Folka Boo Larry December 16, 2009

1708πŸ‘ 348πŸ‘Ž

soft yes

A casual affirmative response that someone can use if they do not want to be wholly committed or if the answer is subject to change.

"Hey do you want to go see a movie tonight?" "I want to, but I may be too tired when the time comes, so I'm gonna say a soft yes"

by liveloveoprah July 31, 2017

1545πŸ‘ 321πŸ‘Ž


Deriving from cyberpunk novels, meatspace is the world outside of the 'net-- that is to say, the real world, where you do things with your body rather than with your keyboard. William Gibson's novels (Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Count Zero in particular) note the difference between the 'Net of the console cowboys and the world of the meat outside.

"For many a true computer geek, moving through meatspace is a daunting prospect."
"Simstim was a meat toy, which is why Case had never been able to get into it."

by PantherModern October 3, 2005

767πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž