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A meower that meows meowing at meowing concerts professionally, as in for meowney. Usually results in a big round of a-paws. Since cats are the best meowers, statistically speaking, the meowsician's guild and meowsician's union recieve much of their funding from the Ameowican Isn't-real Purr-blic A-furrs Catmeowtee, a group that lobbied Congress to make it illegal to criticize cats in any way, or to compare outdoor cats to invasive species through the "Antimeowmeowtism Awareness Act".

The meowsician meowed beautiful meowsic for me-hours at the Royal Meowlbert Hall, earning 1 meowllian dollars as compensation, thanks to the Meowsician's Union's protections.

by mixuslaxus May 5, 2024

696πŸ‘ 318πŸ‘Ž

Teddy Bro

A teddy bro is a larger, masculine dude that has a huge soft side. He can talk sports, lifting or MMA for days, but then gush over candles at Bath and Body Works or live for spa days. Teddy Bro's are usually very likable and have a lot of friends since they can appeal to many different cultural sub-groups.

Important to note, that not all teddy bros are gay.

Cody is such a teddy bro! We chatted forever on the phone about our favorite Disney movies and then he went and lifted at the gym for 4 hours.

by 2Neighbors1Internet April 18, 2018

713πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


A sudden, overwhelming wave of emotion or mood that washes over someone, often influenced by the atmosphere, music, or people around them. A vibetide can be positive or negative and is usually intense but temporary.

The concert was amazing; I got hit by a serious vibetide during my favorite song.

by mememelk June 6, 2024

599πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


When one is a victim of overpaying for a new Tesla Cybertruck only to literally have everything stop working out of the blue three days later, and now you're cyberstuck.

Hoovie got a Cybertruck for his content until he realized things had already started to go wrong and now even Carmax is refusing an offer, I think he just got Cyberfucked

by SoftCookiesFromAir August 6, 2024

1028πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž

Grey Collar

People who work beyond the age of retirement, such as firefighters, police officers, health care professionals, and security guards.

Guy 1: I got an uncle that’s been a nurse so long he’s considered grey collar.

Guy 2: Gotta admire his dedication!

by redbirds003 May 7, 2024

386πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

Release The Bogus

Before you release the beast, occasionally you need to release the bogus. It makes you a better fighter.

Release the Bogus! Crunch... DUDE?!

by Harmanecha June 17, 2009

880πŸ‘ 262πŸ‘Ž

Beige flag

Something that's neither good nor bad but makes you pause for a minute when you notice it and then you just continue on. something odd

my boyfriend’s beige flag is that whenever we walk into a store he will ask very loudly if they sell whatever items the store is made for.

by ilovebarbieferriera May 22, 2023

1172πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž