Source Code


fashionable items made from found or recycled materials

those rings made from typewriter keys look totally rad! great trashion sense!

by catad November 26, 2007

550πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž


Receiving plastic surgery (or surgeries) in anticipation of one's wedding, as popularized by the megahit E! documentary series entitled Bridalplasty

I hardly recognized her at the wedding due to her extensive Bridalplasty

by August 17, 2024

307πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž


When someone is so fucked up, they head in one direction with a goal in mind but half-way there, forget that goal and wander off in a random direction with or without another goal in mind. Term comes from goldfish in an aquarium acting the same way due to their seconds-long memory.

He was so fucked up on mushrooms, he spent the whole night goldfishing around his apartment and never made it out to meet us.

We wasted a few hours goldfishing around camp before we even realized that we missed the burn.

by DJJD2000 August 10, 2009

2768πŸ‘ 340πŸ‘Ž


the scum bag police force of Northern Ireland
also referred to as the PSNI, RUC or those black bastards
named after Sir Robert Peel , who founded the metropoltain police in Britain and the 6 counties.

colly: "Use 'ens comin' down for yer carry out or wa?"
paddy: "Na mate, the peelers are about, ye'd get lifted"
colly "Fuck the black bastards!"

by up-da-ra April 5, 2007

513πŸ‘ 327πŸ‘Ž

Jetway Jesus

When people fake the use of a wheelchair to get early boarding on a flight, but when the flight lands and they are miraculously able to walk off the plane on their own two feet, they've been "healed" by Jetway Jesus.

My flight yesterday had 10 people who needed wheelchairs to board and only two who needed wheelchairs to get off. Jetway Jesus must've been really busy on that flight!

by ahirebet July 23, 2024

1101πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž

guy height

How tall a guy claims to be-- usually 1 or 2 inches taller than his actual height.

"So, Mike says he's 5'9", but I know I'm 5'8", and Mike's shorter than me."
"Mike's actually 5'7", he just told you how tall he was in guy height."

by Mlbl August 3, 2015

3699πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž

Thot Experiment

Trying on a sexy/slutty outfit in the comfort of one’s home

I went through my whole wardrobe thot experimenting

by Faintsaint October 3, 2023

707πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž