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..a coffee nap. . Consuming coffee or other caffeinated products right before taking a cat nap.

By drinking 150-200mg of caffeine right before a 20 min nap you will supercharge your afternoon ..
It takes the caffeine 20 min to get into the bloodstream and 45 until completely absorbed- essentially, the stimulation of the caffeine will take effect just as you wake up. Making for an incredible nap and productive rest of the day.

After my napuccino the other day I got so much work done at the office ! You should try it sometime.

by Sierra Alexis September 23, 2015

529πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


A type of music comprised of 8-bit music and sounds and sometimes modern day percussion, resembling old video games, and is always compiled in an extremely upbeat melody that makes you want to shoot rainbows out of your mouth.

John: Hey bro, I heard this one type of music on a music thread last night, but I don't know what it's called. You know it?

Brian: What did it sound like?

John: It sounded like it was from a really old video game. It sounded kind of 8-bit-ish and it was REALLY catchy and upbeat and it made me want to fly a super-sonic jet through mountains of icy fire and then make the jet transform into a space shuttle and rocket into space at the speed of light and then explode into a plethora of rainbows and anti-matter stars that would collide with other stars and teleport me to an infinite number of parallel universes.

Brian: Yeah you were listening to chiptune.

by 2011ends July 17, 2011

563πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

Seasonal Edging

Close to the end of one season, when you get a day or two of weather typical of the upcoming season.

Yesterday was below freezing, today it's 30 degrees warmer and sunny. Tomorrow is back to cold temperatures. I'm tired of this Seasonal Edging.

by B_CAT_B February 19, 2023

746πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž


adj. one who exibits stalker-like behavior

That girl is such a swimfan; i wouldn't be surprised to see her out my window in the middle of the night

by Yael February 9, 2004

423πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


A person set to inherit a fortune which will make them a billionaire.

He is a billionheir.

by Matt November 29, 2004

613πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž

thought daughter

a very emotionally active young teenage woman. Usually fw literature, music and bed rotting. Will usually have a superb music taste and enjoys overthinking everything.

Person 1
β€œGod Jessica are you overthinking again”

Person 2
β€œDay in the life of a thought daughter”

by spammymeee June 4, 2024

698πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

Autism nest

Nesting, or an autism nest is a collection of blankets, pillows and other soft and comforting things typically in a bunch or pile. This behavior is commonly found in autistic people.

" dude, what happend to your bed??? It looks like a dumpster on there"

" bro stop dissin my autism nest, it's comfy 😀 "

by Marsbarsxoxo July 23, 2024

1520πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž