Spambloating the free dt button using a CT gives you 0.01 dt every time it is pressed. A CT can spambloat it at 80000 CPS, giving 800 free dt every second.
The act of something blowing up, becoming very big, or causing mass destruction. Or, in mathematics, the blubberisation coefficient, a coefficient measuring a feature of a bulb.
The blubberisation of the bug has caused ruptures throughout the project.
The amount of a bulb inside its casing. If the radius of the bulb is r1, and the radius of the bulb plus casing is r2, assuming the bulb is a perfect sphere, the blubberisation coefficient of the bulb is (r1/r2)^3.
This bulb is better than that one because its blubberisation coefficient is larger.
I jambloated the jambloatjambloat because of the triple jambloat.
A jambloat is something that jams. Often used for programs that fail to compile, especially used when coding python. when a language is susceptibel to hidden bugs it is called jambloatable, such as c++.
This code jambloats on line 2132.
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