LOL means "Laughing Out Load". But everyone know that one, right? It's old, and boring...
If you are laughing, and agree with me that lol is useless, instead use one of theese:
LMFAO = Laughing My F***ing Ass Off
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
SQTM = Smirking Quietly To Myself
STM = Smiling To Myself
PMPL = Peed My Pants Laughing
GUIBS = Giggled Until I Broke Something
SFIFTL = So Funny I Forgot To Laugh
HSTF = Holy Sh*t Thats Funny
LTIC = Laughed Til I Cried
LSHIH = Laughing So Hard It Hurts
SomeRandomPerson#1: *something funny*
SomeRandomPerson#2: LOL
SomeRandomPerson#1: XD
SomeRandomPerson#1: *something funny*
SomeRandomPerson#2: LTIC
SomeRandomPerson#1: XD
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