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Spun hard retard

A term used to describe a methamphetamine user who has been up too long and doing things that are dumb as fuck. Other known names are speed freak, tweaker, sketch artist, who dun it, and others.

Man 1- Dude, you better slow down, relax and get some rest bro, your acting like a spun hard retard

by 'Denver's Finest' October 9, 2022

Monkey fuck

Used to describe the resulted state of unwarranted and chaotic messing with someone else's property,always with unfavorable outcome

Person 1- hey bro can I borrow some tools to work on my car?
Person 2- hell nah, the last time you came over here you just monkey fucked my whole garage around

by 'Denver's Finest' October 9, 2022

Shepard Shit

When you are on top of your game, doing it so good someone could mistake you for being Jesus ( He was a shepherd 😉 )

Person 1- " Don't bring that weak shit over here! "
Person 2- " Ya, that's right! We're on some Shepard Shit round here! "

by 'Denver's Finest' March 15, 2022


Used to describe the sound a turd makes while honking to come out.


by 'Denver's Finest' March 19, 2022

9👍 1👎

Shit Dogg

Noun: Used to describe the friend that is always getting in to trouble. More specifically, the friend that is always or only calls you when in the middle of a huge shit storm and needs rescued.

Ring Ring
Ring Ring
Friend 1 - hello?
Friend 2- hey bro it's me.
Friend 1- hey what's up bro?
Friend 2- man you gotta help me bro. I was at this party bro and there was this super hottie and she had a man but I don't care I was trying to holler at her anyway but now her boyfriend and his friends are all looking for me to beat my ass.
Friend 1- damn man are you an idiot? Why is it every time you call me your in some shit dogg?

by 'Denver's Finest' October 9, 2022


A verb used to describe an ancient creature who will go to almost any length to stop you getting some action; a blatant attempt to hate on one's game

Person 1 - " Dude, what was up with Steven last night ? "
Person 2 - " I know right, what a cock-blocko'saurs "

by 'Denver's Finest' March 15, 2022

Macalla Kat

Used to describe a beautiful and enchanting woman; A woman so amazing your friends wouldn't believe you if you told them

Usually reported in the southern United States mainly in Alabama

Guy 1 - " Bro, did you see that girl I hooked up with on Valentines Day ? "
Guy 2 - " Nah bro I was busy at work "
Guy 1 - " Dude I'm telling you she was a straight up Macalla Kat for real "
Guy 2 - " No way ! "

by 'Denver's Finest' March 15, 2022