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April fools day

A day where you can fool your daughter, April.

Father/You: Hey april how was scho- omg theres a spider in your hair
April: *screeching intensifies*
That is what april fools day is! Ay-p-rill f-ooh-lz day

by ('v') April 1, 2021


A ***** who smacks people when the victim needs the karen to wear a mask. Also a karen is a racist ***** who hates asians and black people

"You're a big fat <Karen>" "Call me fat one more time! And MY NAME IS NOT KAREN!!!!!!!" Karen then slaps the person

by ('v') March 30, 2021


You are Bored. Being bored is normal. Being bored is boring. If you are bored and searched this give it a thumbs up

"Hey bud how was school?" "I was <Bored>"

by ('v') March 30, 2021




by ('v') March 30, 2021