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a girl who can be one of your best friends ever. (:

when she feels like it. when she doesn't, just chill;
she'll get over it.

nilza: i swear, you get on my nerves sometimes.

you: i love you too, ghurl. <3

nilza: most deff. <3 :D

by (: ha. May 15, 2010

44👍 8👎


one of THE sweetest people alive.

you won't find anyone as awkwardly cute and funny as him.
his jokes'll make you crack up even if you're on the verge of tears.
he loves you no matter what.
and so do you.

i thought i was going to die, but i called Abel and felt so alive again.

by (: ha. May 15, 2010

1611👍 432👎