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Concrafter is the latin word for ,,contraproductivity"

You can spot a wild Concrafter with this reqirement list:

Someone who:
- Comes to late very often
- looks like a 5 year old
- has a very small dick
- is very famous, but doesn't deserve it
- always does promote his shop
- doesn't like it, to not have all attention on his side
- is a pussy
- is very forgetful
- only drinks still water
- hates KFC
- likes cars
- does have an outdoor couch
- likes pizza
- is dumb but denies it
- does have an IPhone
- he brushes his theeves more than 3 minutes
- he ownes his parents about 4500$
- wont have children


Dick Cock Concrafter Luca

by (Melvin AnMi) YT January 2, 2017