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scene kid

You all think that scene kids all dress the same, and you know wat, yeah they pritty much do. But guess wat? So dose evry one els! All the preps have their layers from garage and hot roxy jeans. All the gansters have their way too bagy pants and 5 sizes too big blank white or black t-shirt. All the punks have the black tight pants and neon net shirts or blank band shirt. And so on for evry genre...

And so wat if they listen 2 diffrent music? You all think that they listen 2 "unpopular music" or music that no one in the univers has ever heard of, guess again! there's just as manny people who listen to emo then those who listen to pop or rap. The reason you dont hear about it is the whole reason why it exists. They prefer to listen to "their own music" or music that makes them seem diffrent. They dont need to have their music posted on evry blog on the internet, they just need it to be somewhere for them to get at and listen to. They conect with their music and if evry one was listening to it, evry one would have that same conection with the music. Wouldnt exactly make you feel spechal would it?

So next time you see some scene kid or emo/goth/ punk kid and think "pft, he's/she's such a conformer, he/she dresses like evry other scene freak" look at your clothes and look at your friends. Not much of a difrence is there?

by <<keep^looking>> August 16, 2006

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