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Sussex Squad

The Sussex Squad is a fanatical cult of low IQ sycophants who idolise Meghan Markle for no other reason than she has a small percentage of mixed-race genes and managed to bag a British prince.

Sometimes known as Markle's Sewer Rats, the Squad comprises a highly coordinated network of paid posters and bot farms aiming to intimidate, defame, threaten and spread misinformation about the British Royal Family.

The Sussex Squad are Meghan Markle's "Personal Hate Army" of largely rabid insane bullies and immoral hate-filled individuals. Their sole purpose is to avenge all those who call out Markle's exploitation of others for personal gain and reveal her fraudulent claims for her own impoverished achievements.
Members are characterised by their inability to distinguish fact from fiction and truth from lies. To join, they must be be complete fantasists capable of making up wild stories about the Royal Family and showing devotion to all things Meghan. To become fully qualified and thus recognised as "human garbage," they must be able to troll, harass, stalk, mock, dox and spew hateful rhetoric to anyone who disagrees.

The Squad's activities involve regular devotion to images of a much younger Meghan Markle (early Suits/Reitman's era), obsessive downloading of podcasts and videos in which she features, and daily obeisance to lie-filled sermons about her on social media.

The Sussex Squad are a saccharine over-dosed army of sinister trolls and junkies commonly found wearing greasy weaves and eating crayons.

by @Observer88 March 29, 2024