verb: past tense: a cunt who counseled; past participle: presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway has been âcounseled,â for being a stupid cunt after urging viewers in a TV interview to buy products from the clothing line & jewelry line of presidential daughter Ivanka Trump.
Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway has cuntseled veiwers on live national tv to buy shitty products...
Orang-U-Tan like Donald J Trump after he leaves a tanning salon??!!
24👍 12👎
A stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, self centered, egotistical shithead who got voted in as the President of the United States of America
Donald Trump is the 45th Hocus Potus...
15👍 7👎
A person or persons, who is, or are, a follower of the religion of Islam.
The President of the United States of America is banning all Moose Lambs from trying to enter the country illegally...
21👍 1👎