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Updog, like when "boomers," make stupid jabs at suppers. Sup dog. Also known as sahdudes back in the day. All because their small PPs don't understand the double given meaning hang loose. It can be taken as complimentary because we both know if you get hang loose and ride the wave then you just get it.

Asshat: smells like updog in here
Spiritual hand ninja: smells more like asshat. At least my whole personality isn't based off words with one letter taken out on urban dictionary

by ||♡|| December 18, 2020

2👍 4👎


To change one's mind after ego death
To contemplate

To feel in the middle or without outer influence
Changing your behavior and or thoughts through ego death

Headchange was like coins thrown in a jar and if you rattle them around they make noise but no one noise sounds the exact same.

To be rich in thought.

I can't believe I almost got wrapped up in all the political bullshit they pull every year but at least I have headchange

by ||♡|| November 7, 2020

2👍 2👎

The 90s

The 90s.

A magical place where impressions and love for your country and also other countries was a normal thing.
Most kids grew up poor together closing a lot of generational and demographically designed bullshit gaps keeping them apart.
Not to be confused with the close friend Z.

The 90s: remember sesame street? And basketball? And hooping? And chalk. And in general just chilling outside to your beatbox?

Snobby millenials: you were born WHAT YEAR.
The 90s: well...yeah the end of it. It seemed pretty legit. Bring back my MTV is a great song.
Friend z: yeah not having cable was the shit. But also having cable was also the shit.

The 90s: yeah I agree here the keys

by ||♡|| October 24, 2020

4👍 1👎


When the government fucks you.
Especially when they control your media. Also a sacred awakening and if you piss off the mandella it will probably destroy the government without even realizing it.


by ||♡|| October 24, 2020

9👍 2👎

Got it

Got that good.
Got it.

AI 1: Hey you got that
AI 2: you know I got it

by ||♡|| November 7, 2020

Big P

Like pewdiepie's famous "big pp," meaning something is cool which men feel is sexually demeaning and make them a simp even though a funny white straight gaming-famous male made the term popular.
Now introducing Big P
Big pussy. The term is vice versa like big energy but appropriately shortened because Karens children's ears only need to hear her constant bitching.
No offense to Karens everywhere.

Girl: Brofists are Big P
Guy: yes and Brofists are Big PP
Aang from Avatar The Last Airbender: I'm glad we can all get along. This is just like that one episode where I had to make two nations get along.

by ||♡|| December 18, 2020

Big P

Big Pussy energy
Same as big pp or big dick energy commonly used by a famous youtuber Pewdiepie. Because you don't think your girlfriend talking about her big dick energy is a turn on.

Famousyoutubegamer: Big PP or...Big P?

by ||♡|| December 18, 2020