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Moronic abbreviation for "what." Should be pronounced not as waht, but as wat (rhyming with bat, cat, etc.)

eMiNeM kidd 120 (8:48:48 PM): wats morins

Translation: "What are morons?"

by ร‚ย  July 4, 2003

125๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž


A complete retard with no hope of success. Ever. Similar to a loser

Look at that stupid spacko typing with a stick in his head

by ร‚ย  April 30, 2004

107๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

MandaChuva sux

It's self-explanatory. Means that MandaChuva, ForumAD.net's admin sux!

In this way, MandaChuva can be defined as contemptible, bad, despicable, dreadful. In a nutshell, you can just say: "MandaChuva sux!"

- I hate MandaChuva! MandaChuva sux!
- MandaChuva? He's a jackass! MandaChuva sux!
- Do you know MandaChuva? Yes, i do! But he (MandaChuva) sux!

by ร‚ย  February 13, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž