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Daniel is a funny guy, he is always making you laugh and he is very loyal. Daniel is type of person who loves basketball and he is the best friend in your entire life . Daniel has a temper that you will need to help him control . He is very dependent on his relationships with his friends and when a new trend rolls around he sticks to what he knows best , himself. He is very nice and he loves to talk . He sticks out from other people and that is why he is so amazing!
Wow did you see the fight that Daniel got into today
National Tater Tot Day is on Dec 4 and it should be celebrated
Dec 4 is national tater tot day
Jaxson is amazing and he loves his hair products. He either has a girlfriend or a crush atm and he cares about them very much. He is sweet loving and all around a great person. The people that are crushing on him see no flaws and Jaxsonâs are ussually very skinny. If you get a chance to date a Jaxson take it, you wont regret it.
Whos the new kid?
I heard his name was jaxson.
So thats why he is so hot?