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A word used for stupid dumb and usless

You are so uli

by     May 23, 2021


A person of great stupidity

What a nazaink.

by     May 15, 2022

Smurf jam

When a midget creams

“Yo bro I just bucked a midget and her shit was Smurf jamming 👻”

by     April 20, 2022


A jennelyn is a very Trustworthy person you can tell her anything and she won’t tell anyone a Jennelyn is also a true friend who is always by your side and always supports you in a anything a Jennelyn is also very pretty shes probably one of the prettiest people you would ever meet even tho she thinks she’s not pretty a Jennelyn also finds a way to make you happy and she finds a way to give you confidence at your lowest a Jennelyn would also make a good girlfriend bc she’s always there for you she also likes to find a way to get you in your comfort zone a Jennelyn is also very nice and shy but once she’s comfortable with you she’s probably one of the dumbest craziest people ever of you have a Jennelyn in your life make sure you keep her forever

Person one:bro jennelyn is a boring person Person two:I don’t think so wait until she’s comfortable with you

by     April 12, 2022

Boon Walking

Moon walking next to a lake, particularly like a gangster

Hey John, stop Boon walking! We need to go swimming in the lake at 9

by     January 5, 2023


Tmbrn means take me back right now

Kelly: Mannn tmbrn before I flip out

by     June 16, 2022


best silly little grox ever. so kawae, love this kotsie everleigh preppy monke quen. luv it. go. quen. yes. slay. pussy, pop, quinn.

Yazenia: "Honey ! Come for dinner!"
Saffy: "That's damn right, silly lil groxie pie!"
Navicucu: "Mhm, u little spore friendo!"

by     October 29, 2022