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A social, political or item that is unacceptable, not palatable to most people who oppose cruel, harsh ignorant behavior.

The red MAGA hat is so NoYe it is old , harsh and not palatable for anyone with fashion or social intelligence.

Ye is often at Trump events wearing his Red hat that is so NoYe.

Ye lost a lot of money for his harshness and foul anti semitic language, goodby Ye.

by     December 13, 2022


HE IS THE GOAT. Lord Hakan birthed his parents, when Lord Hakan's parents are scared they go sleep in his bed.

Person 1 "Who is the best person in the universe?"
Intelligent person "Hakan obviously."

by     April 2, 2023


I can tell you this much, Chull is not Bull.

Mandrata - What are you saying bro, chull.
Andrade El Idolo - Are you Mari? Do you mean bull?
Mandrata - No bro, it's chull. It's a designer word.
Nastrada - It's a designer word, huh?
Andrade El Idolo - Yeah bro, it's like designer clothes or designer drugs.
Nastrada - Hah! Made you look.
Mandrata - Hahahahaha, all is right with the world, we're all stoned.
Andrade El Idolo - With Chull.
Nastrada - Nah, we're like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, that is enough to get stoned.
Mandrata - Hahahahaha, all is right with the world, we're all stoned.

by     June 23, 2024


1 - When a human male ejaculate's into his own mouth and eats it.
2 - When another human jerks a human male off and eats the cum.

Person "How do you stay so healthy?"

Cannibater "At least one healthy session a day of Cannibation will keep you strong as an OX!"
Person "Cannibation?"
Cannibater "I jerk off and eat my cum"

by     April 29, 2024



Tristan is a soyboy who uses the railing because he’s too weak.

by     September 9, 2020

2👍 4👎

Soy boy

A buzzword invented and used by conservatives, alt-righters, insecure cishet white-men, etc. Based on a misconception that soy "feminizes" men. They usually apply it to opposition when they have nothing better to say.
The misconception comes from the fact that soy contains "phytoestrogens", which is not in any way similar to ACTUAL estrogen. However, the types of people who throw out this term unironically are usually scientifically illiterate, and don't recognize the distinction.

Person1 : makes a point Person2 disagrees with
Person2 (or incel, if you prefer): Fuck you Commie soy boy SJW cuck! + a million other reactionary buzzwords

by     February 8, 2021

6👍 17👎



Tristan is a soyboy

by     September 9, 2020

1👍 3👎