pronounced th-ee-tee, a slur for weird theatre kids
youâre a theatee, go kys freak
African Queen very humble, quiet when needed very loyal and kind hearted will always give her last to see someone smile. Always willing to learn about something new. Loves to travel to experience new cultural backgrounds and taste new foods.
Afriah is the queen of a tribe
a creepy pasta idk my friend sent me it
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12👍 6👎
Mizna is a girl name she is very talent and most laughing person in the world.
Sometimes she get angry but never fail to love other.
Boy1- she is so nice her name is mizna
Boy2-I love her style
Odd Arild is a person who is known for his big dragon.
Who is that person with the big dragon? Ooooh, it's Odd Arild!