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A statement given, exclusively to tint, testifying to someone's character and qualifications.

The genuine love, excitement, and passion that the TintGod possesses, is one of the greatest tint-monials of all.

by     April 2, 2022


They are a caring person who loves all their fillies but barley posts! 😤

Omg have u seen manisamp
Yeah!! They never post tho

by     October 8, 2021


Duniyo is such an amazing person. She is trustful and very intelligent. She is the definition of beautiful inside and out she also has the best heart in the history. Duniyo is the best

Look ar Duniyo she looks beautiful today

by     November 23, 2021


A person that can't cope at all in life

Damm bro your a fucking pocketmonkey

by     July 5, 2022


A bestfriend. No one can be my friend if your name isnt hildi.

Person A: "Can we be friends?"
Person B: "Only if you change your name to hildi."

by     January 8, 2022

3👍 1👎

Dirty Pirate

A Dirty Pirate is a mixed shot, Made with half Captain Morgan spice rum half banana liqueur.

Creator : Christian Howard-Harris

Can I get a dirty pirate

I drank to many dirty pirates

by     August 29, 2021

Mary Martha

A like in a world full of darkness. A beautiful girl with a beautiful name and beautiful personality. She’s the type of person everyone immediately loves. Always the favourite of parents and teacher. Contagious smile, gets all the boys, all in all amazing. She had a heart for God in a world full of corruption. She loves everyone no matter what. She will go on immediate full on defence mode if any one says anything bad about one of her friends (according the friend themselves). She makes everyone feel better about themselves and spreads God’s love with everyone. If you have a Mary Martha in your life consider yourself the luckiest person on earth.

Everyone loves Mary Martha.

by     October 21, 2020

6👍 3👎