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izzypengting is a word to describe someone who is just amazing and fabulous at everything, it also describes you as being hot, sexy and all of that

John: omg that girl is so izzypengting

Alex: ikr, let’s get her snap!

by     November 15, 2020

Brutally handsome

Masculine, strong , hard features, rough, not pretty, quietly sexy

His large nose along with a strong chin made for a brutally handsome man

by     January 2, 2022




by     November 25, 2021

1👍 1👎


A female name

Sara loves her kids

by     November 23, 2021


Sara is a beautiful person inside and out. I don't know if its because I can relate to her so much, or if its because she knows me so well but she always knows how to say the right things at the right time.(leaving me with just the right amount of motivation and awareness.) You defended me at a time where I had so much guilt in my heart and I will forever love you for that. Chokran Sara. You are going to be a wonderful mother, and I can't wait to see the transformation. <3

Sara, je vise toujours les étoiles

by     November 23, 2021


Sara is Wilmer Anderssons (ex) girlfriend. She is very funny and beautiful but since Wilmer broke up with her she's been very sad and down.

Vera: sara is Wilmers girlfriend is't he
Sara: NO HE IS NOT!!!!

by     March 15, 2022


Sara nome

Sara nome

by     November 22, 2021