The name Lee-Ché is a female name. Many people don't have this name and this exact spelling. Lee-Ché is girl/lady/women that is very different to many girls. She's a very adventurous person. Sometimes she is very quiet but she's a very happy person. She tries her best to make other people happy than herself, which means that she cares more for other people than herself but she is a very kind, loving, and trustworthy person and she only shows herself to people she's more close to.
Lee-Ché is very creative and smart too. She learns things very quickly and has a very bad temper that only comes out when she can't control it no more. Lee-Ché a very excellent friend to have, moment with a person named Lee-Ché is one of the best memories you could ever have.
Lee-Ché is a joyful, loving, caring, creative and an amazing and adventurous person.
She is beautiful, though she doesn't know. She can be sarcastic and a bit moody at times but she is the most wonderful person you will ever find. The best thing about her is that she will never hesitate to insult you and put you where you belong to.
You need a Suvosree in your life.
A Tiktoker who has 2k and needs friends to play Roblox with, but doesnt have any because, her friend has online friends and plays with them instead.
OMG its bvvred, she has no friends lol.
A "twink" is usually considered a homosexual bottom male with cute boyish qualities. Often thought as a young, white, fashionable male.
"I saw a twink yesterday"
"Oh, Leon VidmaniÄ? I saw him too"
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