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Hot sexy girls

Did you see that 'Narmeena' go by?

by     November 27, 2022


Bold and a little insane, can describe an action as well. Other forms of the word; bandane bandaning (lol) and anyting else you can think of

That was one bandane pass you made, good job.

by     November 20, 2020


Young person of any ethnicity who is from indulgent and affluent parents and who has few goals and and commitments beyond daily gratification while awaiting their inheritance.

Don’t hire Wyatt, he’s just a slider who will bolt as soon as anything gets tough.

Noah is a fun guy who travels and volunteers all over the world, but don’t put any hope there, he’s marking time until his parents die.

by     January 31, 2023


A real as stand up nigga stand in business.take care of what need to be took care of. Don’t come short don’t complain

Jamyrion stand on business

by     November 23, 2021

1👍 1👎


The absolute ultimate last name especially with girls from essex. They are the best. Ever.

wow that girls defo a haggett

by     November 5, 2020

Two shits in the wind

Not give a fuck

Sorry man but I don’t give two shits in the wind about ya gran’s funeral

by     February 25, 2023


Big General😎

Rishard is the one and only big general

by     November 21, 2021