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Sexy girl

Dang dat girl ovah der is sexy af, her name has GOT to be “k’leian”

by     November 21, 2021


is a ghetto black girl, she is the definition of ahot chheeto girl

there xy'unnah is fighting again

by     June 11, 2023

Garlic Jim

A sexual act where the male covers his genitals in garlic butter before beginning coitus

He gave her a Garlic Jim after they got done with their pizza.

by     February 22, 2024

bald headed sap sucker

Hairless person who licks maple trees

Why you bald headed sap sucker

by     May 18, 2021


In amharic it means trust or belief on supernatural powers

Every human being should have their own Haymanot

by     November 25, 2023


The government's minions

Don't believe the media

by     October 8, 2022


The name Starbucks employees write when your name is Mike

Myc, the guy who ordered the frappacino

by     November 22, 2021