An ironic insult meant to hurt someone who did better than you.
Wow, Ruby and Ella got into the band, What a herd of tbthonks!
Cape Disappointment is a island with a name which makes you go LOL. It is also an island close to aukland island, Nz.
Random Guy: *Looks at NZ for no sudden reason
Random Guy: WhAt Is ThIs IsLaNd?
Random Guy: *Zooms in*
Random Guy: Cape Disappointment?
Sñr.s siusi is a the hostest person ever, your mother nows how much good he kisses, all girls at schools admire him but nobody deserves him the way it should be. He is the best football player in his town and all girls there go to see him play, althouth the true reason the see him is his pretty face and his hot presence. Sñr.s siusi is the most similar to a leyend you will ever see.
You are the siusiest person ever, so you are perfect
World's best in everything. Omnipotent
He is the Luwish of our class.