Always gotta be 60/40 in the boys favor
If I wanna hangout with the boys she has to deal with it
Misso iâm going out for a pong tourney fuck the relo
A Skettie
The boy who you Love most in the world. The sweetest, most gentle, loving person. He's adorableler.
Piercings in or around the mouth
Talking with a lisp, because you have a dick catchers in your tongue.
She is pretty, like the sea. Has beautiful eyes, like a mermaid, she is calm and composed, almost an introvert, who has very few friends. She flirts, with her friends, and she is the best person for advice on any ground. She loves books, especially the spicy romance books, and will find a man like that someday
She has brains with beauty and an amazing sense humor...
Guy 1 : Wow man shes so pretty i have a crush on her
Guy 2: I dont know but she is definitely a pushyanjali
A black hole of stupidity, where nothing makes sense and incompetence is rewarded.
"I heard you're working at that McDonald's I feel bad for you I heard it was the Fort Polk of McDonald's"
1👍 2👎
Jamba Broei Sasa Lan is een cult waarbij de volgers geloven in de god: Jamba Broei Sasa Lan.
De volgers van de cult beweren dat deze god 4 symbolen Heeft gecreëerd: Grolsch, sigaretten, frituur en racisme.
Om je bij deze cult aan te sluiten moet je voldoen aan 3 eisen: je moet minstens 3 bier op kunnen, minstens een pakje marlboro per dag oproken en kkr veel frituren.
Jamba Broei Sasa Lan is de grootste, meest racistische cult die er bestaat