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A person with frog like eyes

Person 1: Wow he’s got huge eyes
Person2: yeah he’s Romann

by     November 23, 2021


Soundharyaa’s are usually very tall. Like trust me TALL. They themselves are confused why they have two A’s in their name but that’s not the point here. Soundharyaa’s are usually very smart and pretty. And math is their strong subject(they are kinda nerds)
They have a weird taste in men but having a Soundharyaa in their life usually compromises the partners dumbness. They like to go wild with their hair .

Hey Soundharyaa, here comes tall boy!

by     November 23, 2021

Donkey shit

When a persons shit is so brown it looks like a donkey

“DAMMMMNNN! Yo shit looks like donkey shit!!”

by     March 25, 2021


Someone who is Biden-phobic.

"Cassandra doesn't like Biden that much. She must be bobic"

by     March 16, 2021


It's a fucking question mark, dumbass. Go back to the second grade.

Do I even need an example?

by     August 4, 2022


Daylin is a beautiful independent smart women. She loves her family and friends are consider her family. She doesn’t need a man unless he’s going to pay all her bills and spoil her and don’t forget the ring. Daylin is the light of the party. Love to always look at her best. Loves fashion & makeup & heals. Some what perfectionist but at the same time don’t care what people think. Likes things done her way or no way. She can seem stuck up but she’s the best girl you can meet. Daylin is also a Cuban Redbone. Watch out with them foreign girls. Gotta love them. Daylin are the best.

Her : “Hi my name is Daylin”
Him : “Wow you must be Cuban “
Her: “claro que si mijo !”

by     November 23, 2021


Daylin is a beautiful independent smart women. She loves her family and friends are consider her family. She doesn’t need a man unless he’s going to pay all her bills and spoil her and don’t forget the ring. Daylin is the light of the party. Love to always look at her best. Loves fashion & makeup & heals. Some what perfectionist but at the same time don’t care what people think. Likes things done her way or no way. She can seem stuck up but she’s the best girl you can meet. Daylin is also a Cuban Redbone. Watch out with them foreign girls. Gotta love them. Daylin are the best.

Her : “Hi my name is Daylin”
Him : “Wow you must be Cuban “
Her: “claro que si mijo !”

by     November 23, 2021