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It is a word that bleng bong god of alamano knows to speak about in speeach Beacause it is easy to memorize it is use to attach people to be stupid or it is use to answer when you can't answer a question or let a Marcos come back to power after Ferdinand Marcos dictator and Emelda a gold digger destroyed the Philippines and stole money to it with the help of there son sandok imee and Marcos cocaine.

What is the answer in 1+4= Unity po sir

Who killed Magellan ? unity po sir

Nothing to eat unity is the answer

by     March 5, 2022

Chill Ride

A motorcycle riders way of saying “do not stick to the speed limit”.

It means to cut up traffic with the homies, do wheelies, burnouts, and basically anything to wake up the whole state.

“Hey bro, let’s go for a “chill ride”.

by     November 18, 2023

Micky Michael

A person who sleeps with multiple random women at once and thinks they are awesome

That guy is a Micky Michael he has got to have the attention of many women to feel good about himself

by     June 1, 2023


lucky.1ol is a bitchass creator on tiktok i know irl lmao get rekt

girl : lucky.1ol is my friend

boy : idgaf lmao

by     July 25, 2021


cielo is a very good friend. shes always up to call and is extremely fun to be around. don't make her mad though because she will hold a grudge. cielos often think they are ugly, but in reality they're very pretty. if you have a cielo in your life, keep her forever.

"cielo wanted to call, and it was fun."

by     November 23, 2021



“stop being such a rounkias” , “you fat rounkias” i was fucking this bitch and she had a hella smelly rounkias”

by     September 16, 2020



“stop being such a rounkiasv” , “you fat rounkiasv” i was fucking this bitch and she had a hella smelly rounkiasv”

by     September 16, 2020