Nhuy is the name of someone who is mean and nice mixed into one. The name Nhuy is rather uncommon, but if you know someone named Nhuy then you're in luck. A Nhuy is incredibly artistic and a neat-freak, and likes things to be organized. Sometimes they are so caught up in helping clean everyone else's things that they forget to do their own. She is a Savage little beast, and is a great friend. If you are ever friends with one, you need to cherish that friendship.
Alice: "Hey, did you hear about Nhuy?"
John: "Yeah, she helped organize the whole school!"
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Love is a word that is often used by the right people for the wrong reasons.
Love isn't where you are false-flirting but never actually GO anywhere in a relationship.
Love isn't where only one person in a relationship is trying.
Love isn't where you can't get away from that person.
Love isn't where goodbye is forever.
Love isn't getting yourself down just for attention.
Love isn't painful.
Love isn't forced.
Love isn't all good.
But love isn't all bad either.
Love isn't supposed to be perfect.
Everyone has their flaws
Love is where the time you spend with that person is cherished.
Love is when one door closes another one opens.
Love doesn't regard flaws, but it doesn't point them out either.
It helps fix them. Together.
Love is a missused word.
It's used in the wrong situations.
Used on the wrong people. Where you force the other person away until you're left in nothing but regret.
Alex: "I love you".
Jim: "Do you? Think about it before you say that."
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