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“Perfect” is something in this world that everyone desires to be. Perfect is an unrealistic expectation that society has set upon people. Everyone wants perfect bodies and perfect hair and perfect teeth and a perfect life but, who is one person to say what a “Perfect” really is. People need to stop trying to live up to society’s standards of what perfect is because at the end of the day everyone is perfect how they are. At the end of the day society’s perspective on what perfect is changed all the time. So just be yourself. Stop trying to live up to the standard of “Perfect”

Society has a shit standard of what perfect is.

by 🤷🏼‍♀️🥰 June 28, 2021



If you have curves better cover up or your a whore but don’t cover to much or your insecure. If your smart your a try hard but if your not smart your not trying hard enough. Oh your gay that’s gross. If your bi your just desperate for anyone. Oh you bleach your hair blonde? your fake but if your not a blonde none of the guys want you. If your a virgin your scared but if your not your a slut. Not following the latest trends? your poor. But if you are following them your just basic. If you were dark clothes your goth. If you were pink your “to girly”. If your confident your just being cocky but if your insecure you just hate your life. Oh you wear makeup? how fake oh you don’t wear makeup? cover up your acne.

We need to stop letting society control us. You know the girl you called “fat” she works out secretly in her room every night and is starving herself. You know that boy you called skinny thinking it was a compliment? well he’s been struggling with an eating disorder. Did you see that girl with bleach blond hair? She dyed her beautiful black hair just so she can fit into what society wants. That person wearing all black? that’s just his favorite color.

Everyone is trying to fit into what society thinks and soon there gonna realize that whatever you are is not going to work in today’s world. your either to fat or to skinny your either to rich or to poor. Society sets unrealistic expectations for everyone.


Society sucks

by 🤷🏼‍♀️🥰 June 28, 2021