A rolifag (singular person) or rolifags (group of people) are people who praise their lord (roli) like a bible, normally they are often angry and are a angry mob of 5 year old's attacking anything they can get their hands on.
Scoob, now thats what we call a rolifag, see their pitchforks and torches around town?
Sort of like Suck Ma but a word like Ligma where it means and depicts suck my insert word here and used in commedic ways
You Gonna Sugma balls? Said Bob.
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When a dumb cunt like Benny be doing dumb shit
Who broke RareBOT?
Everyone: Blame Benny!
HPP stands for Highest Price Possible, Normally HPP would refer to things like rip off's or bad deal's.
Man, This dude just tried HPP'ing me, What a shocker.
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Acronym/ DDDD, The matter of ding dong ditch'ing other peoples houses and normally is done on a December.
Yo, Jeoffrey, Wanna do ding dong ditching December with me? Its going to be a whole lot of fun!!!
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What Is DF?
Demand Dysfunction (DF) is a bacterium that causes dysfunctions in the membranes of the body. It is tough to treat, as it is most likely to spread, like most ROBLOXian infections -- or -- because it's resistant to some commonly used antibiotics.
The symptoms of DF depend on how long you have traded demand for. DF effects the membranes of the body, like the brain and spinal cord, making it hard to walk, having an obession with demand, and major mood swings.
Even though DF is not that serious and could be cured easily, it could spread if delayed treatement, making symptoms worsen as time goes on. These symptoms could become potentially life-threatening.
What Causes DF?
DF is caused by a bacterium known as demandiliaso, which is a quick spread throughout the body if untreated. Usually, this is caused by constant demand obession, like Void Star or CF, which opens your immune system up to the bacterium.
Benny: WTF
Item: Bro does RD have Demand Dysfunction?
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LPP stands for lowest price possible. Often associated with trading terms it's also been a word to refer to snipes or getting items for the cheapest price that is possible.
Yo bruh! Just picked up this LPP for 1 coin!
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