Source Code

Hot Rod

a special little girl who cannot sing nor act...she needs to get a face over and needs a candy cane immediately (love giving head)

Hi. Im Hot Rod. I think i can sing over the rainbow but can't at all because i suck. peace

by anonymous June 9, 2003

8πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

ata chini

rides around in tight sweaters with his persian butt buddies. he loves riding around wiht his bmws

by anonymous April 15, 2003

liberty spikes

wicked ass punk hair style

lots of long pointy spikes of hair, looks cool

by anonymous October 14, 2003

62πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

the clinchinator

A CS player, often found playing on Spiral's or V13.

by anonymous July 25, 2003


the musle between you sack and your ass hole

by anonymous April 30, 2003

43πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A type of horse that eats other horses scrodems.

During mating season the male libidate will bite off the the scrodem of rival males.

by anonymous June 24, 2003

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


lump of brown smell
(see above words)

Hey! Look! I just took a dukey and it clogged up the toilet! Do you have a plunger?

by anonymous September 30, 2003

96πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž