Source Code

Pac Sun

it's cool...but not original at all, the shirts and sweatshirts are just as expensive as "hollister" i would shop there more if i could go in and find a shirt that every one of my friends and the whole female population doesn't have...

Amy: Hey, let's go out to Pac Sun.
(When we get there)
Amy:Oh! This is cute...Wait, doesn't 5 other people have this?

by Emily September 2, 2004

208πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž

Brain Fart

Blurb in your head outta nowhere, train of thought goes weird

Whoops sorry Brain Fart

by Emily March 12, 2005

427πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž


A nickname or slang term used to talk about ones LiveJournal.com "friends list"

Dude, I have to check my flist.

by Emily September 6, 2004

219πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


the noise one makes when they want something/about to cry.

"i wanna pony, migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi migi" *sniffs*....

by Emily January 5, 2004

12πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


soda from many years ago, that is so bad it'll make you sterile, and it wont go away..sorta like cher...tab will be here forever

i had tab last night, and now i cant reproduce!

by Emily January 11, 2005

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


no real definition...only used to annoy people with

jackellackelpackel.jackellackelpackel.jackellackelpackeljackellackelpackel.jackellackelpackel. (big breath!)jackellackelpackel.jackellackelpackel.jackellackelpackel.

by Emily May 20, 2003

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

a shockatock,

panic attack

oh god
im having a shockatock

by Emily February 5, 2004

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž