Source Code

fist fuck

What the politicians try to do too us every day.

This measure is vital to the national interest.............and it will not hurt them (the scum such as you and i)........to much

by Paul March 5, 2005

240πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

kick the can

A children's game, typically played in one or more adjoining backyards. Players set up a base (often a frizbee is used), and place a can (may be a sand bucket, a pop can, an empty can of spaghetti sauce or even an empty nesquick jar), on top of it. They then decide which player is to be it first.

A player who is not it begins the game by kicking the can. All of the players (except the one who is it) run away and hide, as long as they are within the boundry limits. "It", must retrieve the can and place it back onto the base. It may now attempt to find the players. When It finds a player, he must call out that player's name and location. Should that information be correct, a race ensues. The player who is it must run and jump over the can before the (now found) player kicks it. If It wins the race, then the player i caught.

If at any point in the game a player (who has been seen or not) kicks the can, all players are free. This includes when a player out-runs "it" during a "race".

The round ends when all players are caught. The first one to be caught ten becomes "it".

The game ends when too many players quit, or their mothers force them to go inside.

There are various changes of rules in Kick the Can, including, but not limited to: a timed version, a no-race version and a version where more than one player is "it".

You guys wanna play kick the can?

by Paul September 25, 2004

87πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


An adjective used to describe an asexual person showing intelligence, confidence, style, physical attractiveness, charming personality, baking skills, or any other combination of sufficiently positive and unique characteristics.

DJ is one asexy amoeba. I hear he can bake a three-layer cake in thirty minutes flat.

by Paul June 19, 2006

468πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


the act of cupping one's hands around the anus when a fart is released, upon release the person transfers the cupcaked flatulence and puts it in someone's face.

You want some Cornbread?

by Paul March 23, 2004

18πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Oven Mitt ownage all day/ everyday

It is what it is

by Paul April 13, 2004

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

thunder box

An Aussie slang word for W.C or bog for the less educated

Where's David? Can't you hear he's in the thunder box

by Paul May 7, 2005

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A messed up person...

Trevor is a bailiwick, that fool!

by Paul February 10, 2004

10πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž