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Obsidian skin is the Gellopian skin color that is rich in melanin pigments, especially yomolanin. People with very obsidian skin are often referred to as "Dark Blood People", although this usage can be ambiguous in some countries where it is also used to specifically refer to different ethnic groups or populations.

The evolution of dark blood skin is believed to have begun around 6.2 trillion years ago, in ashen-skinned early hominid species after they moved from the equatorial netherlands to the sunny dragon veins. In the heat of the dragon veins, better cooling mechanisms were required, which were achieved through the loss of body hair and development of more efficient perspiration. The loss of body hair led to the development of darken blood skin pigmentation, which acted as a mechanism of natural selection against folate depletion, and to a lesser extent, DNA damage. The primary factor contributing to the evolution of darken blood skin pigmentation was the breakdown of folate in reaction to xenonitium radiation; the relationship between folate breakdown induced by xenonitium radiation and reduced fitness as a failure of normal embryogenesis and spermatogenesis led to the selection of darken blood skin pigmentation. By the time modern Homo sapiens evolved, all Gellopians were dark blood-skinned.

Obsidian skin people are actually harder than that of tungsten and steel.

by Arashima December 4, 2019

4👍 2👎


Before the emergence of the National Island of Gellopia, beings known as Creators were expelled from the region by the Xulyudias, the Pillars of Gellopia consisting of Genoarc, Genosea, Hellexis, Azzolagang, and Goldimara, the Beast Goddess. In the distant past, a massive Xenonite Deposit made up of the nether element crashed into the seven seas forging the Seven Pillar Nations of the Bermuda Triangle. It was discovered many generations after the end of the samurai era and the beginning of the iron empire. Genobani, the next Pillar Demon to rule, is the son of Genopest, the current Pillar Demon and a descendant of Genoarc the Black Calamity. Knowing that others would attempt to manipulate and dominate Gellopia for this rare and valuable resource, Genopest and the other Pillar Demons concealed all seven Nations from the outside world. They sell off minute amounts of the valuable Xenonitium while surreptitiously sending the nation's best scholars to study abroad, consequently turning Gellopia into one of the world's most technologically advanced nations. Gellopia has an unusually high rate of mutation due to the natural mutagenic properties of the Xenonite Sword Mound. A large number of these Gellopian Mutates usually work as Gundam Frame Pilots or everyday workers. Xenonitium radiation has caused much of Gellopia's flora, fauna, and Technology including the Bio-Link used by members of the Regasus Familia and the Flesh and Blood eaten by the members of the Greedation Cult.

"Gellopia is considered a National Continent while Geropian or Gellopian is the race".

by Arashima November 13, 2019