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n. a goofball. also, someone who fucks up alot. an idiot

sometimes don can be a total stoobes, i hate him

by Ben November 17, 2003

66πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Rock 'n' roll

A deceased genre of music; it has been replaced by a lesser, weaker form called 'rock' .

A genre of music that actually involves talent in which singers, with an actual vocal range, with actual musicians , who actually know their instruments, actually play technically-important music that can't be done by 5 minutes of Fruity Loops, Acid Pro, or some other home-crapshop recorder.

Led Zeppelin was a good Rock 'n' Roll band.

by Ben October 8, 2003

42πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

king dong


what is your length

by Ben October 13, 2003

66πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž


An indiginous worm located in South Africa. They hang from trees and when approached they make strange wooping noises and jump at your face. Then they suck the sweet sweet juices from your eyes and make a nest in your intestines. They can grow from 5 inches to 5 feet long. The doppel-ganger is endangered so please do not hunt them for sport.

Guy1- Did you hear that?
Guy2- Hey whats that in the tree over there?
Guy1- Thats a doppel-ganger.
DoppelGanger- WOOP WOOP!

by Ben January 25, 2004

22πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Sitting in a car for too long making ur arse numb

ive been driving for 29hours and i have a numbum

by Ben April 13, 2005

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


(HAM' secks-ee) adj. i-er i-est Colloq.
1. Opposite of sexy.
2. Gaudyness and uglyness related to amateur radio equipment or operators.
3.noun, proper. An online journal of amateur radio fashon and folly.

Those thirty antennas on your car make you so hamsexy.
The comment "I'm running 0 watts" is both hamsexy and stupid. (N4XE and a D)

by Ben September 19, 2004

191πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


you are redneck words

you'ra pissin on my boots

by Ben February 15, 2005