a very poor species that lives in chazy and has a stench that goes from chazy to florida
(requires orange hat)
Hey look at that barto over there ridin his tractor...must be looking for some bottles
15π 30π
You find a Webby on the internet and he slowly worms his way into your heart until you couldn't imagine life without him.
34π 27π
Almost self-explanatory..but it is especially used by asian fobs to refer to an American Boy.
This amboy has no culture.
15π 14π
house, crib, home; derived from the derogatory term "carboard box"
Let's meet at Ian's box at 3 o'clock for dinner
4π 11π
I swear if I don't get a rest soon I'll pop me clogs.
13π 2π
See krump. A new stlye of dancing in which tommy the clown began. It is best described as raw, natual and expressive freedom of body. It gave people an alternative to violence and kepts kids off the streets.
Did you see those kids krumping last night? Man they were getting buck!
153π 137π
A word used so say something is small, stocky, and short. People use the word when they get really tense.
8π 6π