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An amphibious creature found on the island of tedualra. This creature is seen only when a 3 frogs explode simultaniously. The mockintreff is invisible to the naked eye. This creature is thought to be the cause of every happening on the island of Tedualra.The Mockintreff crops up many times in faerie tales and is said to eat children. The truth is that the Mockintreff likes nothing more than a cocker spaniel for a snack. The mockintref's true form has never been discovered (due to a shortage of explodable frogs)and all acounts of sighting this creature have been different. This is due to the mockintreff only being seen how the person expects them to look.

"There i was ploughing the field with bill my dog when a naked woman came up to me, ate bill and disapeared in a puff of dust!"

by Chicken November 28, 2003


a stupid S.O.B who cant stop gaging people on the zone,hawk-tard=fuck tard

hawk savages is one big FuCk TaRd who cant shoot straight in MW4

by Chicken November 26, 2003

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

sponge monkey

Thoes scary rat things off the quizno's subs commercial.

Sponge monkeys scare the shit out of me.

by Chicken March 20, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

go liver

a girl who will basically do anything sexual, anywhere at anytime.

"this girl Natalie is such a go liver"

by Chicken March 21, 2004

134๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž