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A dumb retard with a nametag that is cockeyed and repeats the word ok. And works at wollyworld.

The jesse is a real fritzer and doesn't know shit about shit. And cant sell a gun worth shit without saying Ok!

by Cory January 22, 2005

7πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

white bunny

loving someone

I white bunny ANDY HARTZEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Cory November 12, 2003

11πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Hot chicks.

Hot chicks.

by Cory August 7, 2003

484πŸ‘ 411πŸ‘Ž


An truly orgasmic experience (somewhat akin to herbal essences, joygasm, eargasm, heartgasm etc etc) given by the mere sight, sound, smell or touch of Cory

I am Cory, you've just had your first official Corgasm. Multiple Corgasms anyone?

by Cory March 21, 2005

100πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


The intense moment of pleasure one gets from a vehicle, whether seeing, drivvng, or hearing it.

I had a cargasm when I hit third and wasted that jap piece of shit honda

by Cory March 21, 2005

33πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Whats goin on

Yo wuddup airel?

by Cory April 1, 2003

90πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Something that you can see yourself in; as in a mirror, or in another person similar to you. Also a very good Tool song.

I can see my reflection in the mirror.

My twin brother is a reflection of me.

by Cory July 18, 2004

74πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž