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Pretty Kitty

Also can be known as a 'jade' or other catlike creatures. People who have a catlike face and nature are often refered to as a 'Pretty Kitty'. Note: Being refered to as a 'Pretty Kitty' is usally a compliment not an insult.

'awww look at that pretty kitty'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin October 9, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derived from the word 'Yurt' which is a mongolian tent. Can be built using the following: a fold out bed, quilts, brooms/mops/metal poles, sellotape.
Once constructed (if constructed properly) you should have a tent which can stand the test of time (or just the night)which you can cotch in with up to three people. Smoking inside of the Yerg is NOT recommended.

'We need somewhere to cotch'
'Its gonna have to be a Yerg then'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin November 5, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be in the act of any form of sexual activity be it flirting or other such things foolish adolescents get up to. If someone were to express their willingness to be kanoodling with someone else they would usally be talking about the person in question CONSTANTLY. An example of this would be:
'OMG! TOMtomTOMtomTOMtomTOMtom'

'nye and izzy were kanoodling at charlottes'
'jade and tom are so gonna be kanoodling at chloes on saturday'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin October 30, 2005

121๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Long bop

You have an arduous journey ahead of you. To be in the process of a long bop is almost unheard of being that it refers to such a strenuous journey. Primarily used by chavs and other people also of a crap nature who are too lazy to move.

'u wanna go down the road?'
'but its such a long bop'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin October 4, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rolled from highlander rolling papers found in Scottland. They make VERY long joints and the roach material which they come with comes with 'highlander tips' such as 'fed up, skin up' and 'he who hogs the joint gets the stonedist'.
You can recognise a highlander from a normal joint from its sheer length and thickness. Its like smoking a very long cigarette. That gets you amazingly stoned.

Dude: 'I've got only one joint left'
Dudette 1:'Aw well its better than nothing'
*dude takes out the joint"
Dudette 2:'OMG thats huge'
Dude: 'its a highlander'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin January 2, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Industrial Pull

To take a very long 'pull' usally from a 'joint' or other smoking materials used by very nice people. When exhaled the copious amount of smoke should take on the form of that you may see rising from an industrial factory.

'dude! that pull was industrial'
'check out that industrial pull'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin October 9, 2005

39๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snail Pace

To walk(bop/longbop) very slowly almost in like a dazed like way as if you have no idea where you are and why you're there.

'Wheres Charlotte?'
'Down the road'
'She'll be about an hour then'
'Yeah man major snail pace'

by Daniel a.k.a Benjamin November 7, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž