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country nigga

A black person, generally refering to a young man, who lives in a rural area ("the country") as opposed to living in an urban area ("the city"). Generally used to refer to blacks in the rural "Black Belt" of the U.S. South. The lifestyle is more like that of how blacks lived before moving towards urban centers and the North. Most "country niggas" have lived in rural communities for several generations, most likely as long as or longer than most white people in the South.

The term is used by other black people, generally urban or city black folk, in a non-offensive way, more in a jocular way or simply as a way of identifying the lifestyle (contrasted to an urban one) of other blacks. It's usage is much more common among poor or lower-income black people.

After his dad went to jail, Jamal and his mom moved deep back South. He's a right country nigga now.

Man that country nigga needa learn how the streets work, ya'll gotta be up on your toes to survive here!

by David May 13, 2008

66πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

mink stole

a brilliant and severely under-rated comedic actress. Well known from John Waters films. She popularized the term 'pigfucker'.

Mink Stole is soooooooo fabulous.

by David October 29, 2003

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


vb. to have sex with

I would tap that ass

by David November 18, 2003

59πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Pull an OJ

Archaic definition: Run through an airport.

Modern definition: Commit murder against one's domestic violence victim, in a homicidal rage and get away with it

Archaic usage: They were just closing the jetway doors, I really had to pull an OJ.

Modern usage: Shut the f-ck up b-tch or I'll have to pull an OJ on your fat ho' ass.

by David October 31, 2003

29πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A website following the style and subject matter of a "zine." The "E" is e-zine stands for "electronic," similar to the e in e-mail. "Zine" derives from the word "magazine."

"Have you seen his e-zine? It's friggin awesome."

by David December 16, 2004

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Vaginal Crouton

A small brownish green growth that lies on the outer lips of a cheesy and yeast infected vaginal canal. Upon sitting for months, the growth hardens into a delicious and crunchy crouton. Often, when ripe, the crouton can be plucked for the beginnings of a prized collection. (Often dipped in MUNG for flavor).

Hey Enrique, look at the diameter of her vaginal crouton. Let's get a bib!

by David November 15, 2003

32πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

bloody sunday

eating out a woman while she is in the process of having a miscarriage

My girlfriend was having a miscarriage, so I decided to make it better for her by giving her a bloody sunday.

by David January 17, 2005

32πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž