Those who watch Buzzfeed Unsolved a show hosted by Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej typically fall into one of two groups each named after one of the hosts. Those groups being Boogaras, the believers, or Shaniacs the non-believers. If someone fails to fall into one of the two groups or claims to be in both they are labeled as being a Shit Fish.
Person 1: "Oh you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved? Are you a boogara or a shaniac?"
Person 2: "I don't really believe in ghosts but I do believe that spirits are around us."
Person 1: "that makes no sense, you're a shit fish."
Those who watch Buzzfeed Unsolved a show hosted by Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej typically fall into one of two groups each named after one of the hosts. Those groups being Boogaras, the believers, or Shaniacs the non-believers. If someone fails to fall into one of the two groups or claims to be in both they are labeled as being a Shit Fish.
Person 1: "Oh you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved? Are you a Boogara or a Bhaniac?"
Person 2: "I'm on the line, It's hard to choose"
Person 1: "You is a Shitfish then, bitch."