Short for Battle Buddy. A term used in the US Army to describe a good friend, someone you would trust with your life, and team mate in a military unit.
Soldier 1: Hey battle, cover my 6 while I clear this room.
Soldier 2: Roger that battle.
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The best goddammed race in the whole fucking world. Survived centuries of bastard English invasions.Love black humour.
Have you any Irish in you?
Not tonight,no
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1) A person who gives the impression of false emotion. A.K.A. cock tease.
2) A person who rules or bosses others. A.K.A. forcer.
1) That is a leaderoner, she lead me to believe that she liked me!
2) Diana is a leaderoner.
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"leuk" is originally dutch and can be used if something is okay and accepted (mostly following an interrogative sentence) or if something is great, awesome or superb.
"I really feel leuk today"
"That is a leuk idea"
"Let go to the movies to see the new one with Tom Hanks" - "Leuk."
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A direct comparison or review by a knoledgeable person between two or more similar objects
Car & Driver just did a comparo between The Accord, Camry and the Mazda6.
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Internet slang for 'I piss a my pants I laugh a so hard'. Created by Dino.
User 1: Sarah Jessica Parker looks so much like a horse that I wonder if she eats hay.
User 2: ipampilash!!!@1!
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