Source Code

phat and ugly

(Pretty hot and tempting) (and no dout) (undeniably good looking, and young)

I meet a hottie, 29 years old, I told her she was phat and ugly, she slapped me, but appologized after I told her what I ment

by Kyle May 28, 2004

46πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Is a body of people usually notably ungoverned

The goverment can be misleading

by Kyle May 22, 2004

52πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

A President and human-being so ridiculous that you wish Clinton was back in office.

Where's Clinton when you need him?

by Kyle February 24, 2005

290πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

Final Realms

Final Realms is a message board frequented by imbalanced people. Some noteworthy people who post there are a perverted Canadian, a guy from Indiana who has a strong desire to be liked, a guy who likes to start fires and Mr. Chris.

Also see Chris Martin.

Kyle: I'm gonna go post on www.finalrealms.com in a little while. You should join, Dave.
Dave: Final Realms is so bad-ass, I think I will.

by Kyle January 3, 2005

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Halo Humper

One that uses the contorler to hump people in halo, For the Xbox

"Kyle Humps the hell out of jared because he kicks his ass in halo"

by Kyle November 20, 2003

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


To botch a job up or just messing up in life in general. Attributes include horrible hand-eye coordination, ugliness, and ability to make others laugh at one's own expense.

He can't even walk straight because he trips over his own feet. He walks like a Gallaro

by Kyle March 1, 2005

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

elliot smith

Folk-rock singer who was considered one of the best songwriters of his generation. He was best known for his songs from the film "Good Will Hunting" and songs that focused on drug addiction, failed relationships, self-loathing, suicide etc. His music was very sad, indeed.

He started out as an indie singer in Portland, but gained more recognition when Gus Van Sant decided to use some of his songs from his 1997 album called "Either/Or" (which is probably his best album). Smith also wrote a song for the movie called "Miss Misery," which earned him an Academy Award nomination. Unfortunately, he lost to Celine Dion (It was the "Titanic" year).

Sadly, Smith took his own life in Fall of 2003 by plunging a knife to his heart. He was 34

Smith has done 6 albums; "Roman Candle," self-titled album "Elliott Smith," "Either/Or," "XO," "Figure 8" and a posthumous release called "From a Basement on a Hill."

People will still be listening to Elliott Smith 40 years from today.

by Kyle January 28, 2005

64πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž