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Lorenzo, Arjun, Sami, Gustavo

These guys are the biggest stoners on planet earth and they PULL! (besides gustavo)
Gustavo has only pulled one bitch who is one of his colleagues which is almost 20 years old ( 4 years older) and he hit
Sami is on a 0-10 streak with women and his struggle is noted
Arjun is 0-0 argueably the best streak out of the 4
Lorenzo is hitting on the regular but the situation is difficult

Woman 1: Who are those 4?
Woman 2: Thats Lorenzo, Arjun, Sami, Gustavo
Woman 3: (Drops pants)

by Lo,Gu,Ar,Sa April 30, 2024


Gussy is a friend, hes the BIGGEST friend youll ever have. He loves his older women however hes only ever been with one. Gussy makes all the girls run, he is a woman repelant

(Gussy goes up to a girl)
Girl: Ahhhhhh get away freak
(Girl runs)
Gussy: not again!

by Lo,Gu,Ar,Sa October 15, 2024