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A politically correct way of saying thick

Whoa look at her she is balanced!
Don't you mean thick bro?
I don't want to be politically incorrect.

by Makundra November 22, 2017

3👍 3👎


an ancient artifact used for unknown purposes

I found a book in the ruins of Mukundria. I sold it to the museum for $100,000.

by Makundra October 17, 2017

4👍 6👎


What happens to Indians that don't have real jobs

Scammer: Hello sir we have detected malicious bad not good hacker scary software on your computer
Me: Oh no what am I going to do
Scammer: First hit control alt c

Me: One question what is your name?
Scammer: Richard...I mean Raj... wait no Robertson...Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta... oh wait.... shit
Me: Damn scammer

by Makundra December 4, 2017

15👍 23👎