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Lear is another word for meth amphetamine, accidentally being created by a guy named adam who misspelled the word clear. I realize the genius behind it and decided to make it a usable word because, us old speedsters have always referred to it as "go fast" and it only makes sense to use the word lear.. as in "Learjet", which are very fast little private planes.

Hey man I used to be on the lear pretty heavy, but now I'm just doing Adderall.

by Mr.Tank December 8, 2024


This is a flirtatious gesture that one male receives from another male, in either a truck stop, rest stop or bus station bathroom, to invite the man standing in the piss stall next to you, to engage in some sort of sexual activity.. on the down low.

I can't believe that big Burly redneck just tinklewinked me off i75 exit 666.

by Mr.Tank January 31, 2021